
How To Make Sweet Potato Salad Youtube

Photo Courtesy: The Washington Post/Getty Images

Bright and creamy with enough of honeyed richness, sweet potato casserole may be that ultimate-favorite Thanksgiving dish everyone looks forrad to the most each yr. They're every bit delicious every bit a dinnertime staple — where their indulgent sweetness is the perfect foil to savory turkey, gravy and stuffing — or a standalone dessert with their toasted blanket of gooey marshmallows. Classic candied sweetness potatoes are proof positive that you really don't need to mess with a proficient thing. But, because they're so practiced in their traditional class, you lot can really drag them to even higher levels of deliciousness with a few key additions and adjustments.

Nosotros've got some faster, easier and even healthier sweet white potato recipes that gustation just as skilful as (or ameliorate than!) the standard Thanksgiving version. If ingredients like marshmallows, pecans, dark-brown sugar, orange zest, cranberries and fifty-fifty pineapples whet your holiday appetite, you'll definitely want to effort these recipes — you might merely find a deeper appreciation for how wonderful this root vegetable can taste.

As the foundation of the dish, sweet potatoes patently have a starring role in any good casserole recipe that features them. Merely before you brainstorm whipping i up, it helps to know a chip about what to expect for when choosing sweet potatoes if y'all're non using canned. You lot'll start want to select what kind of sugariness tater to work with — not all of them come in that autumnal, deep-orange hue. Cooking mag Saveur cataloged 16 color shades of sweet potatoes ranging from white to purple to rich orange, each with its ain slight variance in texture and flavor.

Photo Courtesy: Picture Alliance/Getty Images

The smashing affair nearly these sweet spud varieties, however, is that almost all of them are great to use in your candied casserole. Feel free to make dinner guests practice a double-take when they dig into the magenta-colored goodness of a dish made with the Speckled Purple or Okinawa type of sweet potato instead of the classic Jewel, which is the nearly common diverseness in holiday casseroles. If you're not serving regular mashed spuds with dinner, using Sweet Hannah or O'Henry sweet potatoes will still lend some of that smoothen, cream-colored tastiness to your table. Continue in mind that purple sweet potatoes are frequently nuttier than white and orange types, which tend to fall on the sugary side of the season spectrum, when you lot're planning your purchase.

Any your selection, be certain the potatoes you pick are firm and without whatever brown or soft bruise spots. Their skins should be tight and unwrinkled, and it's really a better idea to choose sweet potatoes that are on the smaller side. The larger they are, the starchier and drier they can go, and that'due south non the texture you desire for your dish. Exist sure to store the fresh sweet potatoes in a absurd, dry spot — not the fridge — until you're ready to cook with them.

Best Archetype Version of Candied Sugariness Potatoes

This might merely exist the simplest sweet potato dish out there, and it comes direct out of the classic Betty Crocker Cookbook, so you know it's withstood the test of time — information technology might fifty-fifty be what your parents or grandparents served at the table each year. And if you lot need that nostalgic flavor fast, the great thing well-nigh this recipe is that you tin can make information technology in under an hour with just a few ingredients from your pantry.

Photograph Courtesy: Betty Crocker/Betty Crocker Kitchen

To pull this dish together, add six medium-sized sweet potatoes to a bucket, cover them with water and simmer them until they're firm but not mushy. You lot should be able to push a fork into them and pull it out easily. Remove them from the water and peel off their skins earlier slicing them into rounds that are about a quarter-inch thick. In a not-stick skillet, heat chocolate-brown saccharide, butter, water and a pinch of salt. Let everything melt together and combine, then add the sliced sweet potatoes. Stir them to coat every piece in the coat.

Want to layer the flavors in this dish? Y'all've got some options. You tin add cranberry juice, whole cranberries or orangish juice to taste. You tin can also omit the water in your glaze recipe and replace it with an 8-ounce can of crushed pineapple in syrup, undrained — but continue in listen y'all might need to cook it down longer to reduce some of the liquid.

Best Candied Sweet Potatoes With a Marshmallow Topping

When y'all imagine a sweet potato casserole on your Thanksgiving table, you probably picture it with nicely browned marshmallows. When it's done just right, the marshmallows are well-baked but soft and gooey to enhance the flavors of the sweet potatoes resting below. If yous adopt this oh-so-toasty casserole to traditional slices, this recipe from The Spruce Eats shows you lot how it'due south done.

Photograph Courtesy: Diana Chistruga/The Spruce Eats

Start by peeling and cubing sugariness potatoes and setting them bated. Then, catch a sturdy ceramic dish and generously grease the bottom and sides with butter. Meanwhile, in a stovetop pan, combine brown sugar, butter, salt, cinnamon and a dash each of nutmeg and footing ginger. Warm them over medium heat until the brown sugar dissolves. Then, add in a teaspoon of vanilla.

Pour the mixture over the sweet potatoes and stir. Cover the blistering dish tightly with aluminum foil. Cook the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, until they get soft. Then, increase the temperature to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven's heating upwards, take the sweet potatoes out, remove the foil and stir them to re-coat them in the glaze. Comprehend the potatoes in four cups of mini marshmallows and put them back in to bake. Remove the dish from the oven when the marshmallows are light brown and gooey.

Best "Healthy" Spin on Candied Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes don't always take to wreck your diet. We've got i of the healthiest recipes available, courtesy of Eating Well. Yous tin can also make them with a host of delicious and nutrient-boosted ingredients, such as this accolade-winning Canadian maple syrup.

Photo Courtesy: Eating Well

This side dish starts with nearly eight cups of peeled sugariness potatoes cutting into rounds. Begin past layering them in a glass baking dish and then setting information technology bated while, on the stovetop, you combine maple syrup, butter, lemon juice, salt and a dash of pepper in a basin. Pour this liquid over the sweet potatoes and bake for 45 minutes, tossing and stirring every 15 minutes to exist certain everything is cooking evenly and coated nicely. Remove the potatoes from the oven when they're fork-tender.

One of the squeamish things about this sweet potato recipe (and others) is that you can make it a day ahead of time. Store information technology covered in the fridge and reheat it for almost fifteen minutes in the oven before serving. Information technology'due south an easy mode to become some of your Thanksgiving prep work done to salve time on the large day.

Best Gluten-Free Version of Candied Sweet Potatoes

Y'all might be thinking to yourself, "Aren't sweet potatoes already gluten-free?" While the vegetables themselves are, the other recipe ingredients aren't always gratuitous from this grain protein. In fact, it'south fifty-fifty nowadays sometimes in marshmallows, so it's essential to use a recipe like this 1 from Make clean Eating Kitchen if one of your dinner guests has a gluten allergy or celiac affliction or is avoiding gluten for other reasons. Fortunately, gluten-complimentary candied sweet potatoes are super-easy to prepare.

Photograph Courtesy: Clean Eating Kitchen

These gluten-gratuitous sweet potatoes maximize your nutrient intake while lowering the carbohydrate content that's oftentimes on the higher side with this dish. To brand them, simply peel and piece your potatoes into chunks and add together them to an Instant Pot for no-fuss cooking. Meridian them with a cup of fresh orange juice, coconut saccharide and sprinkles of fresh ground cinnamon and footing ginger. After a few minutes of cooking at loftier pressure, let the steam release naturally and serve hot.

All-time Fancy Twist on Candy-coated Sweet Potatoes

When sweet potatoes get fancy, they likewise get fun. Made with bourbon and served in a cast iron skillet, this version will make a delicious impression on your guests. To start this preparation from beloved chef Anthony Bourdain, peel and crude-cut iii pounds of sugariness potatoes, and so flinch them in water for about 10 minutes until they're barely tender. Drain them in a colander.

Photo Courtesy: Food & Wine

In a separate saucepan, combine butter and brown saccharide with apple cider and bourbon. You tin can besides salt the mixture to gustatory modality. Butter your cast atomic number 26 pan, add together the sweet potatoes then add the sauce mixture. Coat the sweet potatoes and bake them until they're tender. This recipe is another that's like shooting fish in a barrel to make alee, too. Only prep and combine all the ingredients, but instead of blistering them, shop them, covered, in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, let them come upward to room temperature before baking them for almost 40 minutes.


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